CEI assists clients with supportive housing developments targeted specifically for a special needs population as well as developments that integrate people with special needs into a general low income population. From the HUD elderly and disabled programs of decades past to newer state programs such as Veterans Housing and Homelessness Prevention (VHHP) and No Place Like Home (NPLH) programs, CEI has assisted clients in structuring projects to maximize the value of the funding sources while best meeting the housing and services needs of varied populations.
CEI’s Supportive Housing services include:
- • preliminary feasibility analysis of project targeted to special populations, including evaluation of operating subsidies needed
- • analysis of available funding sources for development, operations, and services
- • analysis of combining funding sources targeted to special populations with other sources including tax credits
- • if requested, assisting with matching nonprofit developer with experienced service provider
- • assistance with applications to financing and subsidy sources as well as conventional lenders
- • assistance with structuring projects to meet investor requirements for tax credit projects